Theme Day -> Red

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Good choice for todays theme. I like it.
ah so a boat - that looks hard work
red colour adds a lot to this shot.=)
It will be perfect if he wears a red short. Nice choice :)
I wish I was there, sharing the boat with this wonderfully strong athlete!
Wonderful shot, thank you!
brilliant shot kala. made me 'red' for sure (all hot and bothered)
Very nice picture, Kala. I like the strength in the shot.
Abraham Lincoln
—Me as Moses—
Totally brilliant combination of today's theme and Honolulu. Really got it all. Love this photograph.
Great photo! Did this rower guy pose for you?
Very fine shot, I must say!
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Good idea to combine red boat and strong of person to propel a boat.
cool! I'm curious about his hair... and he has a great body, handsome guy!
Great power captured and nice theme shot.
Superb photograph
Into full in the effort
You can see the muscles working in this photo.
Yowza! =)
I barely notice the red!
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