Friday, August 04, 2006


This really isn't a Hawaii centric photo, but it is a rose that my husband bought me for my birthday (which was on the 1st).

Here are the meanings of the different colors of roses ...

Red: love
Pink: grace, lesser feelings of love
Dark Pink: gratitude
Light Pink: admiration, sympathy
White: innocence, purity, secrecy, friendship, reverence and humility
Yellow: Yellow roses generally mean dying love or platonic love
Yellow with red tips: Friendship, falling in love
Orange: passion
Burgundy: beauty
Blue: mystery
Green: calm
Black: slavish devotion (as a true black rose is impossible to produce)
Purple: protection (paternal/maternal love)

Also ... roselani is the Hawaiian word for rose.
CORRECTION - Roselani is the Americanization of the Hawaiian word Lokelani both mean rose, but Lokelani is the official Hawaiian word. Thanks to Kala for pointing this out to me since, the Hawaiian alphabet doesn't have an R or an S.


  1. Happy birthday Dana!!!
    It's nice to catch up with all the nice and 'sexy' photos - happenings in your part of the world.

  2. I'll add my voice to the chorus of Happy Birthday wishes! Lovely close-up; he has good taste--you and roses! I decided that I would like a bouquet of a dozen roselanis in each color every week; that should take about 13 weeks.

  3. Happy Birthday! Hey, my husband's birthday is the day after yours.

  4. Lokelani actually means heavenly rose - but nice flower anyway - a rose is a rose and a peach is a rose and so is other things I supposed, but a rose by any other name is still a rose, so there, it really is not a big deal unless some hawaiian language purist happens to stumnble upon the site =)

  5. Happy birthday from me, too!
    Your roses are beautiful! A rose is a rose is a rose... Wonderful!

  6. Happy belated birthday. Lovely picture of a very red rose...
