Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 09, 2009
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Friday, March 06, 2009
Thursday, March 05, 2009
I called this image "Gandalf" because after we were looking over the photos, my friend remarked, it looks like Gandalf, so I guess it stuck - this is also not Temple Valley, but you can guess where 'GanDalf' is looking down towards. This photo was taken in the wee hours of the morning. The sun had not even broken above the horizon. The chill of the cold morning could surely freeze an islander. Some of us did jumping jacks to keep warm, others shivered and I had my nice winter ski jacket, gloves, and long sleeve undershirt! To get to the top, we started the hike at 3:30 AM =)

Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Birds Eye View
I've posted a picture of this scene before but just wanted to show how it looked this morning, even as its rainy and cold...
See that little fella sitting on the power line?
That guys always there every morning enjoying the sunrise - nor hither or yonder, rain or shine, cold or hot, he never misses a beat, starts every morning with a relaxin view of the ocean and orange hue of sunrise!
Here's hopin you all get the same great start to your day - if not in person, than just as close, a picture from ME!
If you look closely, you can c the rain fallin in the distance. That's Portlock (that mountain looking thing) on the left side of pic and that is Kahala town (with all those trees) on the bottom of the pic... and of course, the Pacific Ocean hahahahaha
See that little fella sitting on the power line?
That guys always there every morning enjoying the sunrise - nor hither or yonder, rain or shine, cold or hot, he never misses a beat, starts every morning with a relaxin view of the ocean and orange hue of sunrise!
Here's hopin you all get the same great start to your day - if not in person, than just as close, a picture from ME!
If you look closely, you can c the rain fallin in the distance. That's Portlock (that mountain looking thing) on the left side of pic and that is Kahala town (with all those trees) on the bottom of the pic... and of course, the Pacific Ocean hahahahaha

Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Moon and Venus

Scottsdale daily photo had a picture of the moon and venus so I thought I'd show you the same shot from Honolulu. Its not as close-up and clear as hers but you get the idea!
Monday, March 02, 2009